Future is in Play.
Both the grand invention and the formula that changed the world came out of play.The play is a source of all creation.It open up the future to increase idle power.I increase imagination. I bring up a coimpressive power of an art. I learn a rule.From play, the child lets infinite power flap.The surprise that is vivid in environment of the play.We are work to make the future.

Our mission is “to create future value by designing environment of the play”.I hear an on-site voice about play and produce it and send it.
I study play and demonstrate it and solve a social problem.I push forward better future creation while triggering the approach as the maker design company making environment of the play and the approach as the research institute searching possibility of the play, two loops mutually.


Company name



Tokyo Head Office: 4-24-50 Takanawa, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan (Google Maps)

Fukui Headquarter: 2-1770 Wakaba-cho, Tsuruga-city, Fukui, Japan (Google Maps)

Company Representative

CEO Tatsuro Tokumoto


September, 1916


January, 1949

Main customers

Kindergarten, Nursery school, and Certification Children Garden across Japan/Local Authority/Commercial Mall/Public Space/Cultural Facility/Leisure Facility etc.

Number of establishments

67 branches

Number of employees

Total 643 employees (Total : As of August 2022)

Sales revenue

16,759 million yen (Total : As of July, 2022)

Business license

<First-class Architect Office Registration>
Tokyo Governor Registration -44805
Aichi Governor Registration (I 27)-13105
Hiroshima Governor Registration 17 (1)-5246
Fukui Governor Registration (I)-1784
Tochigi Governor Registration A-3725
Fukuoka Governor Registration 1-62195
<Special Construction License>
MLIT license (Toku-1)-12187
Construction work/Painting work/Interior finishing work/Joinery work
Scaffold work・Civil engineering work/Waterproofing work/Landscape construction
<Ordinary Construction License>
MLIT license(Han-1)-12187
Fire Protection Facilities work/Plumbing work/Machine and equipment installation work
<Real Estate Brokerage License>
Fukui Governor Registration(1)-1696


Quality Management System : ISO9001:2015
【Fukui Headquarters and factory】
Playground equipment, Designing slide for park facility and evacuation uses, Manufacturing and construction
Designing teaching materials, and manufacturing and sales
Designing teaching tools, and manufacturing and sales
Designing furniture, and manufacturing and sales
【Tokyo Head Office / Osaka Branch】
Design and construction of construction work for infant environment facilities
【Tokyo Head Office】
Designing teaching furniture
【Kurashiki Factory】
Designing clothes and Decorative goods, and manufacturing and sales

CSD(Child Safety through Design) Certification
Registered Number: KD01010214001
Subject to Registration: Playground Equipment Design Process Following JQ Safety Reguration
Enrolled in Product Liability Insurance and Contractor’s Liability Insurance

Number of Qualified Persons

First-class Architect 19 people
Second-class Architect 16 people
First-class Building Operation and Management Engineer 90 people
First-class Landscape Gardening Work Operation and Management Engineer 29 people
First-class Civil Engineering Works Execution Managing Engineer 6 people
First一class Plumbing Work Operation and Management Engineer 10 people

Corporate Initiatives

Our company declared smoking cessation and health on April 1, 1999.